Monday, November 28, 2011

RYAN GOSLING (need I say more?)

I almost did my mulitmedia project on this meme, but I couldn't think of a good joke, because the meme isn't really a joke, but rather what women want to believe Ryan Gosling would do in a relationship. I like them because I like believing they're true, and let's face it, I'm probably never going to find out whether they are or not, so I'm choosing to believe the fantasy. But I digress, the meme itself works upon the assumption that Ryan Gosling is the "it boy" of the moment, and therefore perfect in the eyes of the general straight female population. By having flattering pictures of Gosling with the text there is an emotional ploy to draw the reader in to see what he supposedly has to say. Moreover the posts start with the phrase "Hey Girl" implying that the post was written specifically for you by Gosling himself, further adding to the emotional draw.

1 comment:

  1. I love all Ryan Gosling-related memes. It’s funny how a beautiful man can resonate with so many people... I’ve really enjoyed some of the other tumblr blogs that have popped up as a response to this original blog: Feminist Ryan Gosling and Typographer Ryan Gosling. Both of them use the “hey girl” format that the original blog that you posted about uses. The most hilarious meme I’ve seen so far using Ryan Gosling is the Occupy People Magazine Movement that sprung up when People Magazine named Bradley Cooper instead of Ryan Gosling as Sexiest Man of the Year. Organized by BuzzFeed, people actually protested outside of the People Magazine offices in New York City.
